Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ode to nschima, on the eve of Livingstone trip

We eat you in the daytime, we eat you in the nighttime.
You nourish us, you earn your name, thy staple food.
Tonight we shall meet again.

Enough of that poetry--tomorrow we head to Livingstone for training and then some relaxation time. Are we only hours away from seeing an elephant? We are told the chances are 100%.


  1. mschima and nothing else? No worms, no chicken feet? Cake dances for you yet?

  2. So Sam wants to know when Derek is going to post an entry. And asked that Derek say grace the next time he is at our house. Hope you guys are having a great time!!! Erin

  3. Oh Erin--Sam knows Derek well enough to know that kid is not going to blog. Or pray. ;) We are having fun! Hopefully we'll see you soon after we get home!

  4. Also--we're making nschima right now! Derek had chicken feet, none of us have had worms.
